• $88.00

    Kwv 10year Brandy 38% 750ml

    A vintage brandy matured in oak barrels for 10 years. With its deep amber colour, KWV 10 Year Old contains complex, dried-fruit and port-wine aroma, enhanced by subtle spicy and nutty flavours. A full-bodied brandy, with a lingering, fruity and slightly sweet finish.

    Background: KWV 10 Year Old Brandy is produced by pure copper potstill distillation from carefully selected wines derived from the recognized brandy grape cultivars grown in the best suited areas of the Cape Wineland in terms of soil, climate and location.

  • $135.00

    Kwv 12year Brandy 38% 750ml

    KWV 12 barrel select represents artful blending by the KWV brandy master to deliver a perfect marriage of aged potstills, the product of years of careful crafting. This golden liquid conjures dried fruit, honey and oak flavours to deliver a well balanced brandy with a long, lingering aftertaste.

    Deep golden in colour

    Notes of dried fig, potpourri, citrus and a hint of white chocolate with a unique smooth taste

    Best enjoyed neat or on the rocks

  • $42.00

    Kwv Cathedral Cellar Triptych 750ml

    WINEMAKING: After two days of cold maceration, which enhances colour and fruit flavours, the juice was inoculated with a combination of specially selected yeast strains. Alcoholic fermentation lasted approximately seven days. During this time, each tank was subjected to a careful and meticulous pump-over schedule. Only after numerous tastings by the winemaking team to ensure the achievement of perfect balance and structure, was the wine pressed off the skins. The wine was racked to barrel where it underwent malolactic fermentation. It was then racked from the lees and returned to barrel for further maturation. After 18 months in barrel, only the best wine was selected to make up this vintage Cathedral Cellar Triptych.

    WINE DESCRIPTION: This layered and sophisticated red blend exudes aromas of blueberries, crushed herbs and tobacco leaf with hints of dark chocolate and cedary oak. The palate reveals velvety tannins and a savoury palate with a well-rounded, persistent finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Shiraz 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This medium bodied wine has fresh raspberry and black cherry aromas, complemented by dark chocolate notes. Pepper, spice, lots of concentration, well integrated tannins. Soft and velvety and lingering aftertaste with soft smokey oak nuances.


  • $24.85

    Kwv Chenin Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This wine is a great example of modern-styled, South African Chenin blanc, which shows true elegance. This wine displays upfront guava, pear and pineapple aromas with hints of honey and green apple on the nose. The palate is vibrant and fresh with a linear acidity and a lingering finish.

  • $29.50

    Kwv Roodeberg 750ml


    “Vintage may vary”. A medium-bodied red wine, with upfront red berry aromas complemented by subtle smoky and spice flavours. The fruity palate is well balanced, soft and juicy with well integrated, smooth tannins.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. his elegant and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc shows aromas of citrus, delicate floral, herbs and ripe stone fruit. The easy drinking palate is soft, fleshy and juicy with hints of limes and a chalky minerality with a balanced and seamless finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Pinotage 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Red berry, mulberry and blue berry characters are the primary notes to emanate from this rich and flavourful Pinotage. There are subtle nuances of wood spices and dried herb aromas too. The palate is seductively soft and juicy, with silky tannins and a long, gentle finish.

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